TRIHMS Reaches New Milestone: Premature Baby Discharged After Overcoming Severe Health Challenges

The Tomo Riba Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (TRIHMS) has achieved a significant medical milestone by successfully discharging a baby born at just 27 weeks of gestation. Initially weighing only 740 grams, the baby was referred from District Hospital (DH), Ziro, and faced a series of severe health issues.

Throughout a 62-day stay at TRIHMS, the medical team provided intensive and specialized care, helping the baby overcome numerous conditions including Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Anemia, Jaundice, Apnea of Prematurity, Hypoglycemia, Feed Intolerance, Pneumonia, and Nosocomial VRSA Sepsis.

Yesterday, the baby was discharged at a corrected gestational age of approximately 36 weeks, weighing a healthy 3.1 kilograms and capable of breastfeeding, with no known complications. This achievement underscores the dedication and expertise of the TRIHMS staff.

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