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PJC against null and Void held dharna, protest any move against null and void in APPSC paper leakage scam  

ITANAGAR, Sep 30: The Parents’ Joint Committee Against Null and Void on Saturday has organized a one-day sit-in Dharna against the concept of null & void at a tennis court near IG Park in city to press the charter of demand before the state government for fulfillment. . 

The organization has also placed five-point charter of demands to government which includes  ensuring equal justice for all to protect the meritorious students, rejecting illogical and unjust demands related to null & void, conducts a thorough investigation to bring all culprits to justice, ensuring that no innocent individuals are punished without evidence of their involvement in paper selling, and investigating all questionable exams dating back to 1992 and others.

Parents’ Joint Committee (PJC) Against Null & Void, Chairman Kipa Tania inform the media that we desire to have a round-table discussion with the Pan Arunachal Joint steering Committee ( PAJSC) regarding this issue with the State Government. The PAJSC has have service 13 points charters of demands to state government including Null and Void, He said.

PJC General secretary Ajay Matam inform that we do want justice and want that all the accused involved in the scam should be booked as per law. We are also supporting rest of the their demand except that of “Null and Void” which is illogical and unjust.

We would like to appealed to the PAJSC to lead the aspirants properly and not  try to mislead  aspirants in the public and state government. He also appealed to the public, aspirants to support after proper inquiry about the advantages and disadvantages of “Null and Voids” demands. He said.

It was the popular demand for CBI investigation and ED which are underway in the paper leakage issue, the state government is also  serious as per statement made by the Chief Minister from time to time. Any investigation takes time and we hope that the result come up soon by the court of law and the this government will bring a logical conclusion and solution of the paper leakage case. He said.

We want that the APPSC is also reformed properly and onward the system is robust and such leakage does not takes pace as it affect not only the aspirants but all the system are badly affected. He said.

Everyone in state are shocked by the paper leakage case which has happened in the premier institution so we all have to stand united and to fight against the corruption which has taken place and we do want that immediate solution takes place and the recruitment process began.  

It is to mention that the PAJSC has recently concluded three day long dharna at the same venue demanding solution of the 13 pint charter of demand place before the state government including construction of statue of honesty 

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