Phill Takur emphasis our children need to taken due care in all round development include games and sports

ITANAGAR, NOV 14 : The Arunachal Pradesh elementary teachers association (APETA) President Phill Takar has appeal our younger generation to concentrate in their educational activities alongwith games and sports and curricular activities for a good health and fine gentleman to become a good human being.

APETA President Phill Takur was addressing the students community of Government secondary school, Police colony, Itanagar on Tuesday on the occasion of sports meet valedictory function cum children’s day celebration. the APETA President said that the organising of such event is necessary and it will help the upcoming youth who are our future can become a good human being and able to serve the society in best possible way. The curricular activities also enhanced the skill among the children’s and the fit India movement launched by the Government of India will upgrade the health status of our children and even in case they opt  games and sport as career and can also avail the job opportunity of state government. He said.

Drug which is deadly subsidence and damaging the precious life of the youths need to be completely avoided from the community and society. The drugs is not only damaging the health and life of the youths but also economically, socially  affecting the addicted family and it will damage our strong future as well. He argue upon the school authority and parents to play greater role to check their wards and students movement and any attachment with drug strictly. He added.

Confederation of services association of Arunachal Pradesh (CoSAAP) Women wing president Leena Taggu who was guest of honour also address the function and motivated the students to devote in study and excel in their activities. 

The Itanagar municipal corporation (IMC) Corporater Yagam Jomoh Tagru attended the valedictory function as special guest and address the function and interacted the children to study properly and become a fine gentleman and become a good professional to serve for a strong country.    

GSS Police colony Headmistress Gongam Ete, faculty and Organising Chairman Vikas M Richo,  organizing secretary Nyame Bomjen Pabin, faculty Api Ziro Yangfo, Toko Yapu Nabam among other also address the function.

Prizes were given away by the dignetories on the occasion. 

It is to mention that the annual sports meet began on November 9 and culminated on the occasion of children day and a grand function was also organised and was remembered on the day. 

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