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NWS & NYA held socio economic awareness programme in Kakoi circle

KAKOI, DEC 29 : The Nabam welfare society (NWS) and Nabam youth association (NYA) on Thursday carried out socio economic awareness programme at Kakoi circle headquarter in Papum Pare district to promote awareness among its members and others for developed society and state.

The awareness programme was led by NWS Chairman Nabam Laya, General secretary Nabam Takar, NYA President Nabam Gandhi and secretary Nabam Bath. The team interacted and discussed with several team of Nabam clan members inhabiting in the Kakoi and Kimin circle of the district for economic up liftment and all round development among the members for a developed society and state. The awareness programme was organised by local youth leader and organizing Chairman Nabam Akak and others.

Addressing the function the NWS Chairman said that the awareness programme which was organized by the NWS in 2005 has reached to several villages, circles and district where members of Nabam clan are existing. As per information the clan members of Nabam clan existing in 22 circles spread across several district and sharing the responsibility with other tribe for the well being and all round development and communal harmony. He said.

We have been pursuing our members who are in thousands to the parents to guide the childrens and youths firs to go for education, qualified and then serve the society by any mean on being a professional, government employee, farmer, public/panchayat kneader or whatever you can become to serve the mother land for a prosperous and developed society. he said.

Drug is also affecting the precious life of youths and I urge upon the youths to stay away form the drug which has no future and only way is death so education, good health and sports can help the youth to remain away form the clutch of drug. Said NWS Chairman.

Rajay Sabha MP in address emphasis on community development though education and knowledge. Terming the education and knowledge as power to develop community, society, area and state Rebia urged upon the youth to skill themselves not to become a job seeker but to become a job giver and also help others to become aatma nirbhar and self reliant and develop.

While lauding the work being carried by NWS and NYA for creating awareness porgramme, Rebia said that such programme will emphasis the development of education scenario and better development with a future plan for better development and also bring the policy and programme in daily life. He said.

Nothing will get until you work hard and it is better if you study well qualify yourself and guide others and become a good professional, administrator, leader to led the society in better direction. Added Rebia.  

General secretary Nabam Takar, NYA President Nabam Gandhi, ZPM Nabam PIju, Nabam Tagi, Dr. N T Rikam, legendry singer JB Nabam, Nabam Had, Nabam Tajam, Nabam Taaji, Nabam Tarang and other also address the interactive session and shared their view and suggestion for development and welfare of family, community and society as well.

Several cultural performances of locals youths from various villages of circle were also part of the celebration 

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