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NES Congratulates Kabak Yano, First Nyishi Woman to Summit Mount Everest

Kamle:– The Nyishi Elite Society (NES) Kamle District Unit extends heartfelt congratulations to Miss Kabak Yano for her remarkable achievement in summiting Mount Everest. On May 21, 2024, Yano, the daughter of the late Kabak Terin, became the first woman from the Nyishi community to reach the summit of the world’s highest peak.

This historic accomplishment not only marks a significant milestone for Yano personally but also serves as a source of immense pride and inspiration for the youth of Kamle district and Arunachal Pradesh at large. Her success highlights the potential and determination of the Nyishi community.

Dr. Kapu Sopin, Chairman of the NES Kamle District Unit, expressed his admiration and support: “We are incredibly proud of Miss Kabak Yano. Her achievement is a testament to her dedication and perseverance. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors.”

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