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HPDCAPL conducts Inauguration and Orientation of Jal Urja Mitra Skill Development Programme.

ITANAGAR, JULY 20 : The Hydro Power Development Corporation of Arunachal Pradesh Limited (HPDCAPL) on Thursday has organized the orientation programme for trainees selected for Jal Urja Mitra Skill Development Programme (JSDP) at State Banquet Hall, Itanagar.

Jal Urja Mitra Skill Development Programme (JSDP) was launched under the Skill Development initiative by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), GoI and Department of Hydro and Renewable Energy, IIT Roorkee was mandated as the Nodal Agency for implementing the scheme. During flagship phase, 5 states were selected, among which, from the North Eastern Region only Arunachal Pradesh got preferred and HPDCAPL and was empanelled as Training provider of Arunachal Pradesh and subsequently HPDCAPL selected Rajiv Gandhi Govt. Polytechnic college (RGGPC), which is an National Skill Development Corporation accredited institute. as the designated Training Centre. Under this programme the trainees will be imparted with free of cost, specialised technician training pertaining to Small Hydro Power (SHP) Projects, which covers operation, testing and maintaining different electrical, mechanical and civil components of every kind of SHP (run of the river, canal fall based and dam toe based). On successful completion of training the eligible trainees will be provided certification by National Council for Green Job, GoI.

Palin-Chambang MLA and Advisor to Minister (Power & HPD) Balo Raja attended the inaugural ceremony as chief guest who motivated the students and guest present to become aatma nirbhar by having skill  learn by which one can earn for livelihood and at the same time upgrade the economic sustainability of the family. Said Raja.

The HPDCAPL is trying its best effort to identity several site which may be taken up for small hydro power project and enhance the power scenario in far flung and remote areas as well the vibrant border villages. The training being imparted would be one of the best and hope that the 30 persons selected will be given better training and several project which may come up in state and these trained youths will be given employment. He said.

He also speak about few non functioning projects taken up earlier by department assured to taken up and sought public support for its success and proper functioning.    

HPDCAPL, Chairman cum Managing Director Toko Onuj highlighted on the Global challenge and pledge of developing Renewable energy sources for mitigating negative climate change, thus emphasized on the huge requirements of skilled human resource required in Renewable energy Sector.

During the inaugural function, among other dignitaries from NHPC, NEEPCO, Directorate of higher & Technical Education, HPDCAPL, RGGPC and others officers and officials of HPDCAPL

Arunachal Pradesh State Electricity Regulatory Commission (APSERP) Chairman R.K Joshi was guest of honour who shared his experience as how e can get better skill training, Dept. of Hydro Power Development CE(WZ). Jummar Kamdak,  CE (P&D),  Pura Tupe, NEEPCO Executive Director D.K Baishya, attended the occasion as Special Guests.

The training will be for 90 days out of which 45 days will be for theory and another 45 days will be for practical  and side visit to various Hydro power project to know about various aspects. 

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