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BVP donated 4 sets of desk bench, took part in plantation activities

ITANAGAR, JUNE 5 : The team of state unit of Bharat Vikash Parishad on Sunday has donated four sets of desks and benches to Govt. Middle School C Sector, Itanagar and handed over to the headmaster incharge at a simple ceremony.

Addressing the function, The BVP state president Jalley Sonam informed that we selected this school after enquiry about it and found that this school needs more attention in comparison to other schools in the entire capital complex. The infrastructure of the school is in pathetic condition and is in bad shape and needs immediate attention of the state government specially the education department. he said.

The C Sector Govt middle school is one of the old schools and the school building needs immediate renovation, repairing and maintenance so that the education scenario of the school can improve. It is disheartening to know that the ratio of the students are also reducing in comparison to previous years and it may only be due to the pathetic condition of the government school in the heart of the city. He also expressed concern that the share of ‘education of the year ‘scheme is not reached to this particular school and hoped that the state government may take note of it. Jalley said.

It takes an hour to look back at our education institution and try to give back something to our educational institution where we study and through which human resources are being created. He appealed to all sections of society to come forward to help in making our educational institution strengthened so that the education sector of the state is improved by all stakeholders.  He said.

The BVP will approach the state government for adaptation of said school and hope our team members can do something for betterment of the school in time to come. Jalley Sonam further said.

Vice President Er. Tayum Tok Camdir,  advisor Er Kuru Sera, convener Tadar Kayu, Corporator Yukar Yaro, Govt. Middle school C Sector Headmaster I/C Take Lusi Sorum among others spoke on the occasion.

The team also took part in plantation drive and planted around 40 saplings in the school campus.

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